A Better Craigslist – Virtual Presentation Book

Project 3 has finally come to a close. To review, we started by taking screen shots as we navigated Craigslist to complete a specific goal and task. The goal and task were assigned based on each student blindly picking a slip of paper from a container. Next each student was assigned a behavior in the same manner that the goals and tasks were chosen. Each student had to then design a low-content wireframe with their task, goal, and behavior in mind. Lastly, a high-content wireframe was produced based off of the low-content wireframe.

My work for Project 3 can be viewed by checking out the following PDF: A Better Craigslist Presentation Book

The bumpy road on the way to a better Craigslist design

Craigslist Mockup v1

Craigslist Mockup v2

Craigslist Mockup v3

But wait there’s more! These are the three iterations of my high-content wireframe for STA468 Interactive Webdesign’s Project 3: A Better Cragislist. Watch for my final post about this project that will include a Presentation booklet including two iterations of my low-content wireframes and the final high-content wireframe. The task, goal and behavior I was assigned will also be featured.

Redesigning Craigslist

TASK: Find a Service (Person) -Find a person to haul away materials that you cannot leagally dispose of in your city trash.
GOAL: You want to find someone that will be environmentlaly conscience when disposing of these materials.

PERSONA: High on extroversion dimension who want to connect to thought provoking info through others.

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